

The technical foundations of DocsKit, along with the supporting materials provided, help you build accessible documentation sites that can be efficiently utilized by all individuals, including those with disabilities or impairments. We believe that accessibility isn't just about following regulations and laws or gaining potential business benefits, but it represents a fundamental commitment to equality and fairness.

Taking into consideration the diversity in abilities and ways of processing information within your user community, DocsKit's accessibility features aim to accommodate all users. Features such as good color contrast and a logical content structure improve readability and usability for everyone, including those with various sensory, cognitive, or motor impairments.

To maintain accessibility and inclusivity, DocsKit adheres to the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These standards promote that web content should be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. To meet these requirements, with DocsKit you can integrate accessibility into the documentation development process, with a structured and consistent approach, and allow for continuous improvement through tracking and reviewing over time.

In line with Docs as Code principles, DocsKit fosters collaboration among team members to incorporate accessibility from the outset. The option of integrating automated testing tools allows for early identification and ongoing tracking of accessibility issues. Furthermore, the correct and exclusive use of Markdown translated into semantic HTML provides a consistent structure and default accessibility features for specific HTML elements, like keyboard navigation for buttons.

We use various tools and checklists to ensure the default DocsKit theme adheres to the highest accessibility standards, such as the WCAG AAA level. Regular testing with accessibility checkers ensures that your site remains compliant and provides feedback on improvements, leading to an overall better accessibility score.


Inclusiveness stands as a key principle that ensures individuals, regardless of their diverse backgrounds or varied circumstances, are afforded the opportunity to actively participate and receive benefits from the products, services, and information offered.

An essential facet of promoting inclusiveness is the use of accessible and inclusive language. This type of language respects and mirrors the multifaceted diversity of users, encompassing aspects such as ability, race, gender, cultural background, and more. By consciously adopting inclusive language, you can significantly boost the accessibility of your content, showcasing an understanding and respect for an audience rich in diversity.

Moreover, the practice of inclusive language also helps to create an environment where every individual feels valued and heard. It encourages participation from all user groups, thus enriching the exchange of ideas and experiences. This not only results in a more engaging user experience but also provides opportunities for your content, product, or service to resonate with a broader audience. Therefore, it's imperative to ensure that your communication strategies prioritize and promote inclusivity.