

The digital world, including the internet, has a significant impact on our environment, an effect that's projected to increase with rising data traffic from mobile phones, broadband, and businesses.

A sustainable internet should embody the principles outlined in the Sustainable Web Manifesto, including:

  • Clean: Services should be powered by renewable energy.
  • Efficient: Products and services should use minimal energy and material resources.
  • Open: Services should be accessible, support open information exchange, and give users control over their data.
  • Honest: Services shouldn't mislead or exploit users in their design or content.
  • Regenerative: Services should support an economy that benefits people and the planet.
  • Resilient: Services should be functional when and where people need them most.

DocsKit equips you with the essential technical foundations for creating a sustainable documentation site, and we provide guidance on building your documentation in a way that minimizes its carbon footprint.

  • Hosting: Opt for green hosting providers that run on renewable energy and follow eco-friendly practices. Tools like the Green Web Foundation's Green Web Checker can help verify your website's energy source. DocsKit supports hosting on cloud infrastructure providers committed to renewable energy and sustainable practices such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud.
  • Performance: Optimize your site's performance for energy efficiency. This includes strategic planning and ongoing tweaks and adjustments. Learn more about why performance matters and how efficient DocsKit sites are.
  • Image Management: Efficient management and optimization of images can significantly reduce energy consumption.
  • Video Management: Similar to image management, handling videos efficiently can also aid in sustainability.
  • Fonts: Choose and use fonts in a way that minimizes energy usage.
  • Web Caching: Effective use of web caching can reduce server load and hence energy consumption.
  • User Experience: Navigation and search functionalities should be designed for efficiency to minimize energy usage.
  • Content Management: Effectively managing content can also contribute to a more sustainable website.
  • Search Engine Optimization: An SEO-optimized website draws more targeted traffic, reducing unnecessary energy use.
  • Third-party Tools: Be mindful of the energy footprint of third-party tools you incorporate into your site.
  • Maintenance: Regular website maintenance can help ensure continued energy efficiency.

By considering these factors and adopting sustainable practices in web development, you can contribute to a greener and more sustainable internet.