
Release Note

A release note template is an essential tool for communicating updates about your product to users. The release note template organizes information about each new release in a structured and easily digestible manner.

The release notes template highlights three primary areas of each update:

  • New Features: This section outlines the fresh functionalities or features introduced in the release. It informs users about what new capabilities have been added to the product and how they can enhance their user experience.
  • Improvements: Here you can detail modifications that enhance existing features or aspects of the product. This could involve performance boosts, usability enhancements, or any other refinements that make the product better than before.
  • Fixes: This section lists any bugs, issues, or problems from previous versions that have been resolved in the new release. It ensures users that you are continually working to rectify issues and provide a smoother, more reliable user experience.

Each section presents items as bullet points, making the information clear and easy to read. In essence, our release note template ensures users are kept informed and can make the most of each new version of your product.

Find the Release Note template in the MDX format for use with DocsKit within the DocsKit package.